About the VvL The Dutch Association for Logic and Philosophy of the Exact Sciences is called 'Vereniging voor Logica en Wijsbegeerte van Exacte Wetenschappen’ in Dutch, and is commonly referred to by the abbreviation VvL. Logic originates at the intersection of philosophy, mathematics, linguistics, as the study of meaning and valid inference. It also lies at the bedrock of computer science and artificial intelligence, where it has many contemporary applications. The Association represents not only logicians in academia, but aims to represent everyone with an interest in logic, both pure and applied, as well as the philosophy of the exact sciences. It also commits itself to popularising these areas among a broader audience. The VvL regularly organises events and supports initiatives in the relevant fields. In addition, the VvL functions as a de facto alumni organisation for logic. More information about the history of the Association can be found in this document. A biography of the founder E.W. Beth is available through this link (in Dutch). |
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The VvL currently has approximately 300 members, among which junior and senior researchers in logic in the Netherlands, master students, and members of the general public. The VvL also has the following honorary members.
Honorary members VvL
Dick de Jongh (since 2024)
Johan van Benthem (since 2014)