De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Logica & Wijsbegeerte der Exacte Wetenschappen

De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Logica & Wijsbegeerte der Exacte Wetenschappen
Nl En

This page aims to provide an overview of the current logic-related seminars that are being held in the Netherlands. For specific information concerning upcoming talks, you can visit the seminar website by clicking on the links below.



Computational Linguistics SeminarMore information can be found here.

Computational Social Choice Seminar. More information can be found here.

DIP (Discourse and Philosophy) Colloquium. More information can be found here.

EXPRESS Seminar. More information can be found here.

LLAMA Seminar (Lectures on Logic and its Mathematical Aspects). More information can be found here.

LIRa Seminar (Logic and Interactive Rationality). More information can be found here.

MLC (Meaning, Language and Cognition) Seminar. More information can be here.



GroLog Seminar (Logic Seminar Groningen). More information can be found here.



TP Colloquium (Theoretical Philosophy). For more information, e-mail at

